- Members and mods, no arguements/cyber-bullying/ranting or degrading comments. Be kind everyone. Just to keep the place happy, and hopefully random.
- No page stretches.. 'cause Im sure nobody wants to scroll sideways to read an "AAAAaaaaahh" post that reaches outer space.
- Basically follow the rules.
- Double posts are preferred not to be allowed. -Not Yet Decided!- But since this is the Off Topic Topic it may be taken a bit lighter. Take it up to the mods to decide.
- It can be both random words/spam or discussion that goes to every subject you could talk about in the world.
- Of course, no cursing.
(Made by BaltoSource(WQ) on WQ community.)
- No page stretches.. 'cause Im sure nobody wants to scroll sideways to read an "AAAAaaaaahh" post that reaches outer space.
- Basically follow the rules.
- Double posts are preferred not to be allowed. -Not Yet Decided!- But since this is the Off Topic Topic it may be taken a bit lighter. Take it up to the mods to decide.
- It can be both random words/spam or discussion that goes to every subject you could talk about in the world.
- Of course, no cursing.
(Made by BaltoSource(WQ) on WQ community.)